Dad's rant for Christmas 2006
Joyeux Noel (Merry Christmas)

"Inspired by a true story , the heartwarming tale unfolds on Christmas Eve, 1914, in the midst of World War I. As the French, Scottish and German soldiers prepare to open their presents , a momentous event occurs that changes the destinies of four people: an Anglican priest, a French lieutenant , a world class tenor and his soprano lover. Diane Kruger, Benno Furnam , Guillaume Ca met. Gary Lewis , Dany Boon and Daniel Bruhl star" 2005."

Such a story must have been told before. This war was such that it was possible for soldiers on each side of the opposing trenches could communicate across the barbed wire barriers. I would use t he theme in my essay about soldiers at war on the ground in World War II. I only remember that I talked of our men and German men praying to God, I prayed for them all. I was a liberal even then.

During World War II, I was a child in Catholic boarding school, Nazareth Hall, south of Toledo Ohio aside the Maumee River Ursuline nuns were mostly kind and good. Two teachers were especially so.

Sister Ann Marie and Sister Marie de Lourdes. Sister Ann Marie was young and lovely. She died a year ago, and I was able write to her and she sent me a very nice response.. She had been a good friend of Marie de Lourdes who had died earlier.

My regret is that I did not ask Sister Ann Marie if she remembered me and the event of June 1944. But this was the annual prize for the best composition, religious essay. And I had some fame in the 8th grad class for writing. The sisters were, of course my inspiration and mentors. There was just on other boy, a tall very good student, Elias Shaptini.

It was announced just before the commencement ceremony in June 1944; I was 13, my birthday would come in August. Before the event I was informed I would receive the honor. Three were judges. I am sure that Sister Marie de Lourdes was one, Probably the principal, Sister Mary Clementine was another. (She had called me on the carpet for misbehavior more than once in my three year stint.

The third as the priest who was a serious looking man, not aged, but he seemed old to us. I remember no comfort from him in the weekly confessional, or class.

My only memory is the event when he talked to me in private about the essay. I had been very happy. He said he had not voted or recommended my essay. He said he saw in it the seeds of doubt of my Catholic faith bit deflating.

My mother was present at the ceremony along with my Aunt Marie and others.

I was given a crudely wrought medal with my name and the nature of the award. We were told that the nicer version of it was on order and would arrive later. It never did. And when asked, they were un able to locate my winning essay.

Still, it was the best event of my life as I look back at age 76.

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